

19-22 December, 2024
Gia Lam Airport, Hanoi, Vietnam
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About Viet Nam

  • Officially name

     Socialist Republic of Vietnam


     331.211,6 km2


     94.659,8 million (2018)




    Vietnam is located on the Indochina Peninsula, Southeast Asia, Pacific coast. Vietnam has 4,550 km long border and land borders with China is in the north, Laos and Cambodia is in the West division; East sea bordering the east. On the map, Vietnam strip of land an S-shaped, extending latitude 23o23 'North to 8o27' north, 1650 km long north to south, the widest part on land around 500 km; narrowest place 50 km.


    Vietnam is located in the inner belt tropics with high temperatures and high humidity whole year. The North of Vietnam is under the influence of the Chinese mainland so it is more or less mainland climate. SCS profound influence on the nature of the moist tropical monsoon mainland. Tropical monsoon climate inhomogeneous moisture throughout the territory of Vietnam, forming regions with markedly different climate. Vietnam climate change seasonally and by region low to high, north to south and east to west. Due to the strong impact of the bear northeast monsoon so the average temperature in Vietnam is lower than average temperatures in many other ries in Asia the same latitude.


    Vietnam has many mineral resources. Located beneath the earth's precious stone, coal and minerals valuable as tin, zinc, silver, gold and antimony. Vietnam also has large reserves of oil and gas on offshore islands and on the mainland.


    Vietnam is a tropical country with the majority of the mountainous terrain (representing 3/4 area of territory), but mostly low hills, the plains occupy only 1/4 area. On the theory, the terrain and low hills (less than 1000m) make up 85% of the area. Alpine terrain (over 2000m) occupies only 1% of the country's area.

    For the convenience of your business and leisure, we provide some extra information below (please click on each topic you are interest):

    Source: www.vietnamtourism.gov.vnvietnam.travel

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